Multiple Spirits


女性性についての所感 Current Discussion About “Female” and “Women” in Japan

 「女性」というキーワードがメディアを賑やかしている。まだこんなことを言っているのか、とため息をつきたくなる。歴史のなかで「女流」や「女性作家」など、そういう接頭語をつけることは批判的に反省されてきたはずであるし、それを“あえて”使うことも単なる歴史の再生産を招く可能性が高い。また、「女性」の使用は、その対となる「男性」を匂わせることになる。いくら LGBTが話題になったり、同性同士のパートナシップが結ばれたり、社会が新たな“寛容”を手にしたとしても、性をめぐる議論はこの「男」か「女」のバイナリーをもとにしか存在していない。



 そんな時、たまたま目にした京都国際舞台芸術祭 2018 のニュースによると、今年は「女性アーティストおよび女性性をアイデンティティとするアーティスト/カンパニーにフォーカスを当てプログラムを構成」するそうだ。ここもか、と正直驚いた。 この女性性とは歴史的に政治的に構築されてきたものなのに。アイデンティティという言葉を使うあたりも、やっぱり「男性性」をもとにした社会とか組織をほのめかしている。じゃあ、来年は「男性性」をアイデンティティとする芸術家たちのプログラムをやってくださいと言いたい。ウェブサイトにはリレー・コラムがあって、「フェミニズムの問題を女性だけの問題にせず、社会全体の問題とし、観客のみなさんと一緒にプログラムのテーマへの理解を深めるとともに、学んでいきたいと考えています」とある。
 これは、日本においてフェミニズムやその周辺に対して理解がないことを示していると受け取れば良いのだろうか? それとも、世界的にフェミニズムがブームになっていくことをあえて批判的に考察するプログラムとして受け取れば良いのだろうか? さらに言えば、それはフェミニズムという言葉の使用でできるものなのだろうか?

2018.5.1 雅和

   The keywords “female” or “woman” have recently been bustling in Japanese media stimulated by the current international feminism movements. Since the late 19th century, the growth of feminist consciousness in Japan has been interwoven with the internal Westernization. Certain demands for women’s emancipation has been granted by the governments concerned with capitalist growth, however, undesired changes which would have raised the real issue of women’s liberation have been blocked by the society. Still, the Japanese government promotes an empty campaign to strengthen the modern family system while hyping “the society where women play an active role”, and mass media and SNS desperately follow issues of sexual harassment as a new game of feminist.

   What is drowned out by this propaganda?

   Each time I see these kinds of propaganda, I feel like sighing heavily that people still talk in this way to emphasise the identity as traditional femininity by placing “female” or “woman” before an occupation, such as “female artist” and “woman writer”. In a press release by KYOTO EXPERIMENT 2018, it also stated that this performance festival would have “a program focusing on female artists or artists and companies that identify as female.” I was honestly shocked by this news because this sounded almost the same as the propaganda.
   As we know, the femininity and the identity as female have been constructed historically and politically. Even if one does use these words, in particular, there is a high likelihood that this instance will reproduce sexism, because it suggests “male” as its pair and the society based on patriarchy.

   We are not living in the society where we can distinguish clearly between “masculinity” and “femininity” anymore. We cannot define a family or any relationship as a simple goal to be reached. Even though the society is openly speaking of LGBT issues and the same-sex partnership, and it looks a new “tolerance” had emerged, these discussions on gender and sexuality are still based on a binary between men and women. Who is tolerating whom?
  In the website of the festival, there is a page of a series of essays “to problematize feminism not as an issue only for women but for society as a whole” by providing opportunities for audiences to gain more profound insights of the feminism, which sounds great. But, should I take this sentence as that there is no understanding of feminism and the related issues in Japan? Or, should it be regarded as the program which considers the global boom of feminism critically? What is more, I have to ask whether the term “feminism” is suitable to discuss these issues, as the festival director (a male) honestly told that it might be
easy decision to focus on “female” artists.

  The first and fatal mistake there is that feminism is not about female issues and never been “the problem only for women.” Most of the artists at the festival probably deal with not the concept of the festival itself, but rather the problems which the concept reflects. While being disappointed with the news, I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of performance will be produced by the artists.

1.5.2018, Masawa

* The text originally appeared in Multiple Spirits vol.1. Courtesy of the author.